
Our Stats After 365 Days on the road

Our Stats After 365 Days on the road

A full year has already gone by - and so much has happened. For one, we have now officially spent 24/7/365 together, and we love each other even more than when we left. I think that is quite an accomplishment! But here are some fun stats from our year on the road.

Fun Facts about Buenos Aires

Fun Facts about Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires; a huge city with some interesting quirks! Here are some unique and funny features of this city, where you can expect to do illegal trades and avoid dog poops whenever you exit your house...

5 Must-have Compact Travel Items for Ladies

5 Must-have Compact Travel Items for Ladies

Fitting everything into one carry-on small backpack can be a challenge! Especially when you're a girl and are used to a million different tools and beauty items. Here are a few compact travel items that will save you space and optimize the utilization of space in your backpack!

The Soundtrack of Alex and Tamara

The Soundtrack of Alex and Tamara

We all have those songs that somehow become strongly tied to certain memories.
In the rearview mirror it seems that Alex's and my entire story can be told through music. Some of the songs are good, some less so, but these tracks have become the soundtrack of our story.

24 Danish Christmas Traditions

24 Danish Christmas Traditions

Danes seriously know how to do christmas. We're lucky enough to spend christmas in christmas country and here's a run down of some of the awesome and crazy traditions that are to this day being honored in this capital of christmas.

Extremely funny Danish words pt. 2

Extremely funny Danish words pt. 2

Here's another one for you guys - A small collection of Danish words that will surely make you die from laughing (Well not literally die - it's just a Danish expression). Seriously. I am not taking pee on you (Translation: I'm not joking)...

The very best Turkish food

The very best Turkish food

Here are the most famous, weird, interesting and delicious must-try dishes from Turkey!
We've collected the best local food experiences while living with locals in Istanbul.
Don't miss out on these amazing dishes if you're gong to Turkey.

Our futures in a Turkish coffee ground reading

Our futures in a Turkish coffee ground reading

It seems we wont always be so lucky... Our futures look like they're on shaky ground, at least according to our coffee grounds. Our friend Ozlem picked up our mugs after we finished our Turkish coffee and gave us a proper fortunetelling session. Here are the juicy results.

The Tales of Traveling Toilet paper...

The Tales of Traveling Toilet paper...

There are some things in this world that really shouldn't be taken for granted. Toilet paper is one of them.
No matter where we are we constantly run into toilet paper issues.
Sometimes all it takes is a sprinkle of fundamental human need to force you to go through prettyyyy drastic measures...... Yeah... Enjoy.

Translation of a Portuguese coffee menu

Translation of a Portuguese coffee menu

Survival guide for any coffee shop in Portugal, the country where an Espresso can have 10 different names. Having gone through the mess of ordering a simple Americano in several Portuguese coffee shops myself I've put together this guide which should help you out!

Translation of a Spanish coffee menu

Translation of a Spanish coffee menu

Finding and ordering coffee or ’Café’ in Spain can be a real challenge. Walking into a ’Cafeteria’ you will rarely find a menu, let alone one in English. Also the hours and traditions around coffee can seem quite weird. Here’s a translation of most kinds coffee you will find on a Spanish coffee shops menu as well as an introduction to finding wifi and figuring out the opening hours.

Cook on the road – with a minimal amount of money, ingredients and amenities

Cook on the road – with a minimal amount of money, ingredients and amenities

When traveling on a budget you are often staying in places with... let’s call it inconvenient cooking conditions. I am of course referring to shared hostel-kitchens, Airbnb’s with barely any utensils or studio apartments with nothing more than a water heater (if you’re lucky). Here’s a small post with ideas on how to utilize four basic ingredients that should be available all over the world and at the lowest budget – only using either a microwave, a stovetop or a water heater. 

How to choose your perfect travel wardrobe - Step by step

How to choose your perfect travel wardrobe - Step by step

Weekend trip or a year around the globe. No matter how long you are traveling for bringing the right clothes is extremely important. But choosing the perfect wardrobe can seem an impossible task, so I've put together this guide to help you out.

Extremely funny Danish words

Extremely funny Danish words

Danes are dummies and don't like inventing new words. Why not just make up a word from already existing nouns?  We tend to name things exactly what they are to the point of ridiculous. Here are some hilarious examples!

5 Reasons Jerez de la Frontera will kill your travel buzz if you're on a budget

5 Reasons Jerez de la Frontera will kill your travel buzz if you're on a budget

"Jerez de la Frontera, ass of Europe". Locals writing this on their city wall really says it all. We spent a week in Jerez as budget travellers and learned our lesson. These are the reasons Jerez is a nice city for rich tourists but a mistake for backpackers.